Saturday, March 16, 2013

But it really looks like a....

This last week, a man gave me some coins and expected some change back. As I closely inspected each bill and coin, I noticed something a little unusual about one of the quarters he gave me. It wasn't actually a quarter. It was a dollar coin. It didn't have the shine that many dollar coins have; but it was a dollar coin and not a quarter. It's pretty easy to miss, especially if there is not much shine and there are several coins. The dollar coin is not much larger, at casual glance, than a regular quarter. He was certainly pleased that I pointed it out to him and gave him the right amount of money in return.

That situation gave me the thought of what happens spiritually. There are many people (especially, it seems, down here in the South) who have the casual appearance of a Christ-follower; but at closer inspection, are just religious with outward appearances. If you don't listen carefully or get close enough to them, they look a lot like a Christian; and yet they are relying on what they can do or who they are connected with to have the look of religiosity with no reality. They might go to church, talk about spiritual things, and even be fairly moral. But, they have never truly given their lives, their heart, to Jesus Christ, to follow Him for the rest of their lives. They have trusted in religion, not Christ, for their salvation.

This is not about us trying to judge who is a true Christ follower and who is not. It is a reminder to evaluate our own hearts and lives; and make sure that we are the true, genuine coin that we say we are. Those who truly follow Christ, at close inspection, will have some flaws; but will nonetheless be striving to follow Jesus and God's Word in everything they say and do. It is not about a religion and morality, but about a relationship with Jesus and pleasing Him.

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