Wednesday, March 6, 2013

In the marketplace

I have often heard pastors, and others, talk about the great benefit from working in the marketplace. Sometimes referred to as "secular" work, it is used this way when a pastor (or some other person who works full-time in Christian ministry) takes on a job other than ministry. Some do it part-time, along with ministry; but in my case, for the last 8 months, I have been working outside of ministry in the "marketplace". For those of us who love ministry (paid, full-time), we normally would say that there is nothing else we would rather do. And although I love being a pastor, and look forward to it again (hopefully soon), I have learned (or have been reminded of) much from my time working outside of pastoral ministry:

1. I have had the privilege of meeting many people who work very hard for very little money; and I can better relate to them.

2. I am more grateful for the privilege of making my living in ministry; and for the flexibility it brought me and my family. The average hourly worker faces a variety of challenges.

3. I am reminded that one of the main reasons God still has me on earth is to help reach out to those who do not yet know Him; and this kind of work puts me face to face, shoulder to shoulder, with many who are not yet Christ followers.

4. There are some great companies out there that try to abide by Christian principles; and people take notice (even non-believers).

5. Although I could potentially make more money in advancing in the type of work I am doing, there is nothing that compares to the call of God and doing what He has called me to.

6. People can tell, pretty quickly, whether or not you are the "real thing". This keeps me "on my toes" as it relates to my testimony for Jesus; in particular how I live it out before others.

7. This confirmed for me that the desire God has given me cannot be fulfilled by trying to make more money, even in a morally upright company or organization. There is nothing like making a living, and especially investing my life in making disciples as a pastor. I have learned that although God has given me this time to work in the "marketplace", He has partly used the time to make my calling clear for pastoral ministry once again.

8. God has promised to provide, and I am very grateful for His provision for our family through my current job.

9. Every workplace needs good leaders, even if they are coming from Christian organizations previously. There is a leadership vacuum, and good, Christian leaders (even some pastor) can make a tremendous difference if our hearts are in the right place.

10. God is sovereign; and He calls and chooses each of to serve Him wherever we work. Working at a quick service restaurant is no less "spiritual" than being a missionary or pastor. It is vitally important to remember this. Even when I pastor again (God willing), I want to make sure I see those who are in "secular" work with the same perspective God has of me right now, as I work.

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