Monday, April 15, 2013


It was one of our dreams as parents: to take a family mission trip before our oldest graduated. For years we have been thinking and praying about it; and then the time came closer, and we were wondering how God was going to work it out. Our living circumstances changed, and our financial situation was not pretty. And yet, God came through! Although we originally hoped to take an overseas trip, and have our kids see real poverty, God had something else in mind. He kept us here in the States, and tuned our hearts into some very needy people, in a very different way.

Last week, we had the privilege and opportunity to go on a family mission trip to Lighthouse Family Retreat in the panhandle of Florida. They are a special organization that serves families living through childhood cancer. And they do an amazing job. This is was our first experience with them; and it was so positive and made such an impact on us, that we would love to go back. Our family had to raise almost $3,000, but God provided through the generosity of family and friends and through some money we had saved for a trip such as this. Raising funds allows Lighthouse to invite families dealing with cancer in their children to come experience a week of retreat at no charge.

The houses that are shared are on the beach and are beautiful. Although that is different than housing arrangements on most mission trips, it is fitting that these precious families get to enjoy these incredible vacation homes in this incredible location for a week of their lives. They really do a great job treating these families with special care during this week. They give the parents an opportunity every day to meet with the other parents while we took care of their children. They had a parents night out, where a local, very nice restaurant, gave those parents a free meal. And there were many other cool things they did to make the week very meaningful for the families (including a talent show, featuring their children, and a slide show featuring these special families).

We had plenty to do, in order to serve during the week. We helped with one of the meals each day, and during every meal, we served a particular family we were matched with. Our family was matched with a family that had 6 kids of their own and had been missionaries in India. Their 9 year old son was now going through his second round of cancer and chemotherapy. Our hearts were touched, and in a very short time, we felt very close to this family. It was our privilege to help set up their home every morning and night and to serve them in any way we could throughout the day. We also were able to serve many of the other families in small and big ways each day.

The most encouraging thing that we, as parents, experienced, was to see and hear good things about how each of our children served during the week. They each, in their own way, gave of themselves and invested their time and energy in serving others. That meant alot to us. I think they realized that when you give of yourself in serving others, you gain quite a bit yourself; and God uses those experiences to change you. We are very grateful for the experience God have us, and know it will have a lasting impact on our family. I would highly recommend Lighthouse to anyone looking to make a difference and to experience important, personal change as well.

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