Saturday, May 25, 2013


Dear Weymouth Community Church,

You may never know how God has already used you to be an incredible encouragement to me. When we found out that you voted to invite me to be your next Lead Pastor, it was the culmination of over a year of praying, waiting, and hoping. God had some things He wanted to do in our lives first, but now He is bringing us together for what He has planned for the future. I could not be more excited about beginning this journey with you. You are an incredible answer to prayer.

I was praying for a church that had not been through a split, and that had a history of long-term pastors. I was praying for church that had solid doctrine, but was non-denominational. I was praying for a church that had elder leadership. I was praying for a church that might have some additional blessings added to it (and the fact that you  are in Ohio, and near where we were for 7 years is an incredible special blessing!). I was praying for a church that gave the first impression of being loving, welcoming and caring. I was praying for a church that desired to make disciples around the world. I was praying for a church that seemed to be a great fit for me. I was praying for a church that only God could lead us to and put us together. You were the answer to my prayers; and God went above and beyond my expectations.

There are no illusions, after 18 years of ministry, that any church is perfect. But I do believe in God's perfect will, in His perfect timing, and His perfect fit - to do in us and to do in you exactly what is needed to draw us closer to Him and to bring Him glory. So, it is with God's sovereignty in mind, that I am overflowing with joy, excitement, and anticipation of what He is going to do moving forward. After Teresa and I visited for the first time, we already began to love the people, and felt like we were home. God has given us a new home with you, and we praise Him for His wonderful gift!


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