Sunday, November 15, 2009

I guess God knew what He was talking about

I mean no disrespect, as though there would ever be a time when God wouldn't know what He was talking about. I am referring to the fact that God always knows what He is talking about; but many times we live as thought there might be a question about that. For example, in the areas of personal conflict, because it is so personal, and because there are so many emotions involved, it is very easy to forget that God had already figured this all out. It doesn't mean that there would never be conflicts, but that God has made it clear how we are to handle them.

When we are in the midst of conflicts, we don't seem to think all that clearly. We begin to take everything very personally even if everything is not meant to be. We look for allies, who will side with us, and against the "other side". We live in a defensive mindset, and are ready to attack at any moment. In these situations, if we handle them in our own power, it is not too difficult for relationships to be fractured and possibly even ended.

But, recently, I saw a group of people put into action God's plan, which is always right and which is always best; but is not usually very easy. God's plan is of the Spirit but our plans are hard to ignore because they are of our flesh. Some of what I saw, and some of what is a part of God's plan is as follows:
  • Be specific as to what the offense is
  • Listen to gain a heart of understanding
  • Remain calm
  • Admit any errors on your part
  • Ask forgiveness for causing offense
  • Be willing to forgive
  • Be humble
  • Express concern for the other person and the relationship
  • Above all, be scriptural

Does it surprise you to know that when we "play by these rules", that God brings clarity and resolution to conflict? Go figure!

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