Friday, May 27, 2011

Praise God for WCA

WCA is Westside Christian Academy and I am praising God for this school today. They will be celebrating 8th grade graduation this morning, and although we have no children in 8th grade, it is one of the unique things they celebrate each year (the school is K-8th grade). Throughout the year, there are special programs and events which, in our opinion, sets them apart. They do not call themselves a classical Christian school, but I know that much of what they do is based on a classical approach to education. As a family, we have come to appreciate that very much. We also love that they offer great academics, while focusing on character development.

In the full 5 school years that we have been here in Northeast Ohio, God has provided for our children to be able to attend. Like most private schools, it takes money to attend, but we have found the sacrifice to be worth it. And, without the help of scholarships, through the school, as well as others who have given anonymously toward our children's education, we would have no way of going there. 2 of our children have since graduated, and 3 are finishing out another year in elementary there.

One of the reasons we are praising God so much for WCA this year, is because God has led us to home school our youngest 3 next year, meaning we will not be returning, at least for next school year. Normally, we are praying and waiting until August to see if God would provide financially (which He always did, eventually); but this time, we know that God is desiring we trust Him by faith, in a different way - bringing our children home. We are excited about what God is going to do through this educational and life experience this next school year; but we are saddened about leaving WCA.

May God bless WCA, their board, staff and students, as they continue to train young people, not just in the basic academic requirements, but in something that is much more important, and eternal: what it means to see the world from God's perspective; and to live for Him in every day life. And that is why, this morning, I am praising God for WCA!

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