Saturday, June 4, 2011

2 Belts are Better than 1

...I guess... they must be...
If 2 belts weren't better than 1, than certainly I wouldn't have worn 2!
For the first time I can remember, ever, I realized that other day, that I was wearing 2 belts.
Yep -2 belts - both in all the loops of the jeans - both buckled.
How did that happen? I wasn't drunk (I don't drink) and I wasn't high on drugs (I don't do drugs). So, what is my explanation for having 2 belts on? Certainly, it's not dementia...not yet; and I wouldn't want to admit that I am just completely clueless, not realizing, as I am putting on my belt, that I already have one on. So, here MUST be another explanation.

Let's at least try, shall we? Certainly, one of the following must be why I instinctively put on the 2nd belt. I knew I might need it. For what? Good question. Let's throw out a few answers and hope you "buy"one!
1. Just in case I needed to "give the belt" to 2 of my children at the same time
[this might be difficult to prove since I have never used the belt on my kids]
2. I was, subconsciously, starting a new fad
[you might believe this one unless you have ever seen my wardrobe, or clothing choices -
however, if some of you would be so kind as to start wearing 2 belts, I suppose it could turn
into one. Please only mention my name if it actually "catches on"!]
3. What is someone was hanging over a cliff and we needed 2 belt lengths to rescue them
[you can't tell me that would never happen. If someone uses that in the next action movie, I
want full credit]
4. I like to help people and assist them with their needs. What if some poor fellow was walking by
and his pants were going to fall down? I could give him my belt
[my second one of course -the first one is mine - all mine!]
5. What if I made up this story just so I would have something to blog about? That must be it!
[that would mean that I wasn't so oblivious that I put on a second belt over the first one]

you can decide which of the above proves the old cliche (at least it will become an old cliche after it becomes a new cliche): 2 Belts are Better than 1!

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