Friday, November 4, 2011

I Don't Get it!

I feel like I say this quite a bit, and many times it is just because I am me and the topic I am trying to understand is beyond me. However, there are also other times when I Don't Get it!, but I really think it is the other party that simply makes no sense. And this was one of those times. I worked out the other night and, admittedly, I was sweating like crazy. It was a great workout and I was looking forward to my shower.

So, I got other clothes to change into, took my shower, changed and took my "dirty clothes", also very sweaty, down the hallway to the laundry chute we have on the main floor, that goes down to the laundry basket down in the laundry room. It is a pretty good system. Therefore, it was to my great surprise that I heard my wife say to me: Don't put your dirty clothes in the chute! I think my first words of response were: "But they're dirty clothes!

She went on to explain that my clothes were so "dirty", so sweaty, so smelly, that they went way beyond the "dirty clothes" category; and that my sweaty, smelly clothes didn't deserve (my words, not hers) to be with the other dirty clothes in the laundry room basket.

What? Are you kidding me? These were questions in my mind, not said out loud. Out loud, I think I said: "Yes honey". So, I'm bringing my "case" to those of you reading this blog. You understand where I'm coming from, don't you? If I didn't "stand up" for my own clothes right to survive, I think she might have burned them in the back yard!

Come on now: Am I right...or is she wrong? (Yes, that is exactly what I meant to say)!

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