Friday, December 16, 2011


Last week I wrote about the "dark room" experience that periodically comes in my life; and most can relate to what that is like. This week, God has settled my heart on something quite the opposite of the dark room. I don't know that I would call it the light room; but certainly the idea of sunshine, brightness, and being "in the clear" is how I might describe it. I not only recently experienced a dark room feeling but also this feeling of being "in the clear". And as frustrating and challenging as the dark room can be, the "in the clear" moments are equally encouraging, refreshing and full of hope.

In its most basic form, living in the clear is living the right way, even if others think you are not. For example, if a man is on trial for robbing an elderly person, living "in the clear" has nothing to do with what the accuser, lawyers, judge or jury might say. Even if they convict him, the man accused can still live "in the clear" if he knows he didn't do it; or if he confesses that he did it and then pays the consequence. Being "in the clear" is knowing the truth regardless of circumstance or how others view it.

I think what this really is, is simply living with a good conscience. The Bible talks about the importance of having a good conscience: being clear of any unconfessed sin, living a transparent, honest, albeit imperfect life. The opposite of that is having a seared conscience, where we just live the way we want, and we are no longer sensitive to our own sin. We don't care. We are no longer listening to God and His Word.

Probably the situations where I realize my feeling of living "in the clear", is when I am confronted with the possibility, not only of sin (I do that all the time); but that I have unconfessed sin, of which I am unwilling to repent of. That is serious business! None of us like to offend or sin against others, but we know it is a regular part of life. Just ask those who live with you! But, the key is this: when we offend and sin against others (which happens all the time), we also need to be confessing our sin and making things right.

There are times, however, when the person who is hurt or offended does not accept or believe you. And there are times, when you cannot just make things right - at least not very easily. In fact, there are times, when there is nothing you can do. It is at those times, when regardless of what others are saying, you and I have the opportunity to live "in the clear".

For me, personally, it looks like this: That I know I don't have anything I am hiding. I have confessed my sins, made things right with others; and have remained open to how I need to learn and grow. When you have this confidence, of living the best way you know how, you are living "in the clear." That is an incredible experience and feeling. There is nothing like it. The circumstances, actually, don't have to be any different than when you were in the "dark room."

But, the real difference is how you choose to approach it, look at it, and live in it. So, to all of you who happen to read this particular blog entry, here is hoping that today, you are living "in the clear."

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