Saturday, October 19, 2013

Bitter Free

This entry has nothing to do with food or drink. It has everything to do with the heart. We have all had those moments, where the unexpected happened; and it is only then that you really know how you will respond. I will be as specific as needed and as vague as possible. Sometime recently, somewhere in this world, I saw someone who had been a part of one of my previous ministries sometime in the last 20 years (how's that for vague?).

I was with my family and it was a couple I had not seen for some time. It was one of those situations where you could have gone the rest of life without seeing them, and yet there they were. It was also not a situation where you could embrace long lost friends, sit down and visit heart to heart, catching up on what God is doing in your lives. Those times are awesome, but this was not one of them. Because of some things they did and said at the end of our time together; and their unwillingness to take care of things biblically, there has been no reconciliation. It is a sad thing.

These are nice people and might be voted grandparents of the year - very kind in most cases. But in relationship to our ministry and the people affected, they were unwilling to work through the difficult issues and bring biblical resolution. Since some of it was directed at me, it was hurtful at the time; and I have had to deal with the issue in my own heart. However, I have found that you really don't know how you have dealt with it until you see people again that brings it back to the surface. Perhaps it was a test from God; or perhaps it was a confirmation that He had, indeed, done the work on my heart previously.

Because although there is no reconciliation to this relationship without their participation, I have forgiven them; and it was very encouraging to realize that I hold no bitterness toward them. I would have, before the meeting, told you I held none; but you don't really know until you see people face to face. I am grateful to God for His grace, so that I don't carry around bitterness or allow it to get a foothold, that would lead to all kinds of other sins. Perhaps one day, they will be willing to reconcile the way God describes; but until then, I am free to ask God's blessing on them, and to focus on the people God has given me to serve Him today.

I was going to say being "bitter free" doesn't help me lose any weight; but on 2nd thought...

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