Thursday, October 17, 2013


This week my mom celebrated another birthday. She is only _____ years old! If you really want to know her age, perhaps my age, as her oldest, would help you: I'm only _____. But as the years have passed so quickly, I do not take for granted the incredible mom that God gifted me ____ years ago. (You thought I was going to give it away there, didn't you). I also know how easy it is to let time go by, years even, without telling someone how much they mean to you. Over the years, I have not done it enough with my parents. I try to tell them in the birthday and anniversary cards, but they just don't seem to communicate it as I feel it in my heart. This entry is another feeble attempt to let my mom, and the 2 others that read my blog, know how special she is to me.

Mom, there are many things that I appreciate about you; but as I think of you today, these characteristics come to mind:
  • faithful - I have seen you be faithful to God, to dad, to us, and to your other responsibilities in life
  • loyal - There is no secret as to the loyalty you have to your family and friends
  • godly - Many people think they are godly because of a list of things they do or do not do; but I see godliness in you because of your consistent attitude and desire to live for God
  • patience - I have no doubt that somewhere along the way, in your _____ years, you have lost your patience. But I don't remember seeing it. I have seen, however, you demonstrate incredible patience in many situations that would have caused many to lose it.
  • Giving - You are a very giving person. This includes the quality of selflessness. You always seem to be thinking about others before yourself; and you give of yourself and what you have to make others' lives better
There are many more things I could say, but these are enough for now. I am thankful for you mom, as you are a special gift from God. I pray that God will give you another blessed year on this earth (if it is His will), and I know if He does, you will continue to be an incredible blessing to others.
I love you mom!


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