Thursday, November 21, 2013

uh oh - the phone's for you

Too many times, in my pastoral experience, I have answered the phone in my office, only to be "greeted" by an unsatisfied "customer". Unfortunately, in many cases, these are people that by age and experience, ought to be mature in Christ; and yet, what they feel comfortable saying to their pastor, over the phone, is anything but spiritually mature. I suppose people feel more comfortable saying things over the phone rather than in person; but nevertheless, what comes out of our mouths reveals our hearts.

This week, as I took a phone call, I wondered what I was going to hear. But God, here in my new ministry, has continued to bless and amaze me with the spiritual maturity of many of our members here. This elderly woman called with a question; and it wasn't a question like: "Why are you such an idiot"?; or "Do you really think you can come in here as a pastor and do this to us"? It was a legitimate question (not statement); and it revealed a sincere heart to understand God's Word and follow it. I realize that I may be too hardened, after some years of difficult phone calls; but it was a sweet relief and incredible blessing to have someone truly desiring her pastor to give some spiritual and doctrinal guidance.

Her question was a great one; and it revealed the heart attitude of someone who studies Scripture; and who truly wants to know what God has to say about something. I happily answered her question and talked with her about the issue. And then this sweet lady said "thank you so much pastor! I have been losing sleep over this issue; but now I know what the Bible says about this. I feel so much better!" My answer was not anything new. I don't know everything. But what really made me feel great was that there is a woman in our church who doesn't pretend to have "arrived" or "know it all"; but instead, is continuing to take her next steps in Christ, and is willing to ask her pastor for help.

Thank you, God, for the blessing of this phone call!

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