Tuesday, February 4, 2014


In the Bible reading schedule that I and many at our church are following, we are right in the heart of Leviticus. If some passages in Genesis or Exodus did not provide some challenge to continuing, Leviticus very well may. It is full of details of ceremonies that are unique to that time, and include some things that might make us say: "yuck"! Add on to that things that just don't seem to relate to us...at all! This is a place many stop reading; and if they struggle through Leviticus, they are almost certain to stop once they begin Numbers! However, if we stick with it, fully believing that all of God's Word is breathed out by God and is profitable for our lives today (II Timothy 3:16,17), then perhaps we can continue, praying and asking God for understanding and help. One of the resources that was encouraging to me was the introduction of Leviticus in the Bible Knowledge Commentary by John Walvoord and Roy Zuck. Perhaps it can encourage you as well; and bring some context to your reading.

"The Book of Leviticus was the first book studied by a Jewish child; yet is often among the last books of the Bible to be studied by a Christian. However, a book referred to about 40 times in the New Testament should be of great significance to every Christian. Apart from the question of the typological significance of the Levitical sacrifices, the Book of Leviticus contains extensive revelation concerning the character of God - especially his holiness but also His electing love and grace.

Also it provides many rich lessons concerning the holy life that God expects of His people. Many New Testament passages, including some key concepts in the Epistle to the Hebrews, cannot be evaluated properly without a clear understanding of their counterparts in the Book of Leviticus."

Happy Reading!

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