Thursday, February 20, 2014


Every time I write: "I have learned", I realize that perhaps I should state it: "I am learning". As a pastor, there are so many things I have learned; and yet, I continue to learn every day. in fact, much of what I say I have learned, I am really still learning. I am thankful God has not given up on me; and is still allowing me to learn, even today.

Lesson 7: I have learned to listen

I don't know if there was a time of major change in me; but as long back as I can remember, I preferred listening to talking. Most people who know me well say I'm a good listener. But, it is still something I have learned and continue to learn. Listening is not easy. The kind of listening I am referring to is connected to truly caring for people. It is also connected to helping people grow.

When I think of some things I have learned, related to listening, these come to mind:

  • Look them in the eyes
  • Listen carefully
  • Ask a lot of questions, for the purpose of understanding
  • Laugh with them, cry with them, feel what they feel
  • Point their focus to God, and the hope only He can bring
  • Be faithful to God's Word in whatever you say
  • Speak only if necessary
Listening well has not always elicited a thankful, grateful response. Interestingly enough, there have been times when listening in this way has caused irritation, blame and even threats. But, even in those times, I have found that listening well, by God's grace, has brought a peace and confidence that He has used me. I pray that I will continue to learn more about listening; and that I will never stop taking the time to truly care.

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