Monday, May 5, 2008

DRIVE conference - DAY 1

My friend and fellow pastor, Steve, made the air trip today from Cleveland, OH to Atlanta, GA, in order to attend the DRIVE - pastor's conference at North Point Community Church in Alpharetta, GA. Andy Stanley is the senior pastor and founder of this ministry. For 3 years now, they have hosted this conference to be an encouagement and challenge to others in ministry. There are about 2,300 people attending this conference, representing 42 different denominations and over 600,000 people who attend their churches.

It is a blessing to me that my church, Grace Baptist in Westlake would send us to a conference like this. It really is a time, not only to get away to refresh, but to build a stronger staff (Steve and I) relationship; and consider what God might want us to consider for future ministry. Times like this remind me of two important things: God has given me wonderful blessings for which I need to be thankful; and there is always more to learn and implement for more effective ministry.

The conference began with an evening session, including communion (time of refection while 3 paintings of Christ were done), a time of worship through singing, and the opening message by Andy. His focus through these sessions focus on the team aspect of ministry, staffs of the church.
Tonight, Andy spoke about 2 gifts that every staff member must give to each other every day: "To maintin the relational integrit necessary to operate as a team, we must choose to trust and be trustworthy."

He emphasized that trust is a choice, albeit a very difficult one. And playing off the "Golden Rule", he said: "Trust others the way you want to be trusted." I am grateful for the trust that I think we have on our staff, in our offices and among our leaders; but I do not want to take that for granted. That can change in a moment. It is my desire that those who work for Grace and those who serve in leadership positions love what they do and wouldn't want to do anything else. That is my desire.

If I blow it, as I often do, I want to be trustworthy enough to "own up to it" and make sure our serving relationships are right and up to date biblically.

During the playing of music, painting on the canvas and communion, I was able to pray, praise and reflect on all that Christ has done for me. I feel very inadequate as a pastor, but am grateful for the privilege of serving God; and being able to do it as a part of a team.

Over the next 2 days, we will have the opportunity to hear more about this important area of teamwork; but will also attend workshops that tell us how North Point is working hard together to reach people for God's glory. I know we will enjoy it. I will try to write again tomorrow night and talk about Day 2.

All for now.

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