Tuesday, February 1, 2011


I was not expecting to hear this question from my 10 year old son. As a lifelong Republican, this is the type of question you never expect getting, but hope you would get. The tempting thing, in a moment like that, is to "load both barrels" and "fire away" at the Democrats, to my impressionable son. However, I resisted that temptation, at least long enough, to find out why he asked this question:

"So, why do you ask buddy?" He replied: "I heard on the radio that Democrats want the Steelers to win the superbowl and the Republicans want the Packers to win." I know it was a Christian radio station he was listening to, but I'm not sure what exactly they said or where the information came from. It doesn't matter.

In response to his question, I did tell him that there are several political parties and that the Democrats and Republicans are two of the major ones. He asked me if I was a Democrat. I told him I was a Republican and he seemed disappointed - only because he heard Democrats were cheering for the Steelers! My son wants the Steelers to win; so I decided not to talk politics at that moment.

If you asked him today, about his political views, he might even be leaning Democrat. Don't worry: we've got 8 more years to train him right!

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