Monday, February 21, 2011


There are some things about being a pastor that are incredibly encouraging, but this particular phrase is not one of them. Let me give you the context. First, several weeks in advance, I pray about what God wants me to preach in the future. Then, during the week before I speak, I will put in between 20-40 hours of preparation on 1 message. I will study the passage, the context of the passage, and any information I can find on that passage. I will pray about it, study everything I can get my hands on, and then start writing the message. I will also, once I know the main point or points, look for the right illustrations that will highlight the content of the message. Sometimes, finding the right illustrations can take as long as studying the content of the message itself (at least for me).

Then, finally Sunday arrives. It is what I have been building up for all week. I put all of my effort into communicating God's Word to people and challenging them to put it into practice. I usually preach for about 40-45 minutes. Then, later that evening, we meet in our small groups, to discuss the morning message and talk about how to make it real in life. One of my group members brings up a lengthy story that I told in the message that morning (this just happened a couple weeks ago). But, after he brings it up, one of the group members says (basically): "I Don't Remember You Saying That!"

It is tough when you put so much time into something and then someone says they don't remember what you said; especially since it was not just a single comment but an actual story that was important to illustrating the passage of Scripture. But, as I was trying to console myself that one person not hearing it is not a big deal, another person in the group said: I didn't hear it either. And then a third person said the same thing! Now, my palms started to sweat (not really, but it sounds good doesn't it?)

I did start to get that feeling of: what am I doing? Why should I preach if no one hears, if no one listens, if no one can remember? And yet, after 28 years of preaching (including 18 years of being a pastor), I don't see myself stopping. The fact is (or so I have been told) that people only remember 10% of what you say (if that; and even that doesn't last very long). They remember much more of what they discuss; and they remember even more of what they do. This is actually why we have life they can not just hear me speak, but they can discuss the message (at least the part they remember) and they can take action steps to apply it.

My confidence lies in the power of God's Word to change people's lives, even if they don't remember everything and even if my message stunk that particular day. It is an honor and privilege to communicate God's Word every week. And it is encouraging to know that sometimes, some of the people, sitting somewhere in the congregation, hear some of what I say, and then some of them actually remember some of it. I can't think of any way I would rather spend my life then preparing and preaching God's Word. And don't you forget it!

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