Thursday, January 3, 2008

Bible Reading today

Genesis 5:24 - "Enoch walked with God, and he was not, for God took him."
Easy to miss jewels like this in the midst of a list of names and repeated phrases. But, it does stick out and it is something to meditate on. Enoch walked with God. It seems to be connected to the fact that God took him without death. In a couple other places, we are told that Enoch was a man of faith and that he taught what God told Him to, including the hard task of opposing false teachers.

I want to be known as a man who walked with God. That begins with my pursuit of God today.

Genesis 6:5,6 tell us that God saw the wickedness of man and was sorry for creating Him. That is something to dwell on. How sad to think that the creation God said was "very good" was then looked on as "continually wicked", and all because of the sin of man. And yet, in the midst of the sin and consequence of complete destruction through the flood, God saves a remnant and gives hope for the future - thank you God!

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