Saturday, January 12, 2008

I Must Be Super Spiritual

A few people (possibly the only people) who have read my blog have mentioned to me that they noticed I was writing at 1 or 2 or later in the morning. It may have seemed as though I had either stayed up extra late or gotten up extremely early to study God's Word, pray and submit my journal writing (blog) for the day. I suppose if someone found out that I had written a blog about my devotional time, at 2:30 or 3 in the morning, they might even get the idea that I was so devoted to God, that I would get up that early to spend time with Him.

Truth is: I have not blogged at these times ever. For some reason, even though my computer screen tells me the correct time, when I blog, it records a comletely different time. Not sure why. So, this gives me the opportunity to look like I am rising early in the morning to spend time with God, when, in reality, I am in deep sleep, dreaming of chocolate cake. What a deal!

I know the temptation there is in life to be concerned about what others think of me - good or bad. And I know of people who will say or do things (me included) that are meant to give a good impression, when the reality of life is much different. There is also a lesson for me here about perceptions. What I perceive about circumstances or people is not always reality either. Things are not always as they seem.

So, if any of you thought I was super spiritual man for spending all night in prayer, you now know the truth. Lord, help me to be transparent, real, and honest, about where I am with you and where I want to be!

1 comment:

Dave said...

Don't let Greg fool you! Even with the times showing in EST now, he's still blogging BEFORE THE SUN COMES UP...and probably drinking a can of coke while he's doing it!

I need more of that kind of discipline in my life!