Friday, January 11, 2008

Bible Reading

Genesis 21,22 - The story of Abraham is an amazing one. It is a great example of God choosing to do what He chooses, when He chooses, through whom He chooses, for His own glory. Although Abraham tried to bring about God's promises his own way, he is still presented as a man of faith who trusted God to do what He promised. And God did. He came through with a baby for Sarah, even at her advanced age. At a point where you would think the climax has already taken place with the birth of this promised son, God raises the stakes.

He orders Abraham to take his son, probably now a pre-teen or teen, and offer him as a human sacrifice! Abraham was going to do it, and we are told in Hebrews why: "He considered that God was able even to raise him from the dead..." - Hebrews 11:19 Abraham was ready to bring the knife down, kill his only son, and yet believe God was still going to keep His promises.

This is a challenge for me. I do believe God's promises in His Word; and yet, I find myself unwilling to take real steps of faith on a regular basis. I like things easy and comfortable. I don't see myself as a real risk taker. However, I believe God expects me to enter each day, ready to obey and ready to act and speak as He directs. This is my heart's desire, and I pray I will ready for what He has planned today.

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