Tuesday, January 1, 2008


It is now 2008, and I begin the challenge of remembering to write the new year down instead of the previous. But, one of the things I absolutely love about a new year is the freshness of it. It is a time of new beginnings, of starting over, of having a second chance. At least, that is the way it strikes me most years. I choose not to look at the terrible things that might happen, or the great things that will probably not hapen; but instead,I choose to consider what great things God might have in mind to do this new year. And I do define "great" by what God considers to be great and for His glory.

Every other year, I read through the Bible. I admit that, some years, I get distracted or hurried and just read to read and say I have done my duty. But, this year I am taking measures that wil help me get the most out of my reading and prayer time. I am setting aside one hour each day, at the beginning of the day, in order to spend time with God. This might sound legalistic to some, or just routine, but for me, it is energizing. It is what I need. I know that if I will set aside that hour (no less than 60 minutes), I will be able to relax and just take the time that I need to spend with my God before each day.

I am following a Bible reading schedule I received from Faith Baptist Bible College in Ankeny, Iowa. It has me reading 2 Old Testament chapters, 1 Psalm, and 1 New Testament chapter every weekday; and then 2 Old Testament chapters on Saturday and Sunday. This will help me not get too bogged down in tougher parts to read in the Scriptures; and it will give me the opportunity to gain from different kinds of biblical literature at the same time.

This morning, there were 3 main thoughts that I dwelt on as I read:
Genesis 2:25 - "They were naked and not ashamed"
This struck me, that even though in our world today, people are naked and seemingly not ashamed, this was entirely different. When Adam and Eve, still without sin at that point, were not ashamed, it was because of their absolute purity. When people today are not ashamed of nakedness, it because of their absolute depravity. What a contrast.

Psalm 1:6 - "The LORD knows the way of the righteous, but the way of the ungodly will perish."
I couldn't help but think of the terrible proclamation Jesus Christ will make to the majority (I am assuming) of people one day: "I never knew you" [just before He sends them to everlasting punishment].

Matthew 1:23 - Immanuel means "God with us".
What an exciting thing to celebrate coming off of Christmas and into a new year. When Jesus Chrst came to Earth, He personally entered our space as a complete human being for the first time - and in doing so, we experienced God. He was now with us in a way He had never been before. In the way that had to take place for Scripture to be fulfilled and for us to be saved.

Thank you God!

May this year with God be like no other.

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