Friday, April 6, 2012


Several years ago, I began a tradition that I continued this year as well. On Good Friday, I watched the movie: The Passion of the Christ. I know there are many who criticize the movie for different reasons: the "R" rating; the graphic portrayal of Jesus' death; the involvement of Mel Gibson in the project; the Roman Catholic slant; or a number of other things that could be criticized. However, for me personally, it has become much more than another movie or a topic to debate. It has become a time of personal worship.

I am not recommending that everyone see it. I just know the impact it has on me, positively, as it relates to what really happened to Jesus before and during His crucifixion. When I read or listen to the text of Scripture, as it talks about what Jesus went through, I read the truth of what happened. But, I know it is very difficult for me to imagine what it was really like; even the pain and suffering Jesus really endured on my behalf. However, when I watch "The Passion", I cannot help but think that it is a pretty realistic picture of what Jesus endured for me. I love to read, but this is one of those times when the visual representation brings it home to me.

Yes, it is hard to watch, especially the violent beatings and whippings of Christ; but let's not forget: He was violently beaten and whipped. He went through unspeakable pain and agony, to bring us redemption. His blood was spilled. This really happened! When I watch this movie, the main impact it has on me is to consider, in a new and fresh way, the truth of what the Scriptures say about Jesus' suffering and death. It causes me to be thankful, to be challenged, to feel deeply; even to worship!

Thank you God, for sending your Son, who went through all of that (He really went through it)...
for my redemption!

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