Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Recently, I had the opportunity to visit Northeastern Pennsylvania, which is where I lived for 10 years, some 20 years ago! As we drove around the Clarks Summit area, where my school was, it brought back a ton of memories...mostly good. I attended Baptist Bible College for 4 years and Baptist Bible Seminary for 4 years, as well as teaching at the Baptist High School for 2 full years. Some extra months on either end add up to the 10 years, and I don't have enough time to remember everything that took place during those days.

But, as I visited on campus for an hour or so, and even talked to some professors I had back then, I became very thankful, grateful, for my time in PA. God used so many circumstances and people to grow and shape me during those years. I gained a greater love for the Bible, especially for the Old Testament, which has greatly affected my life and preaching over these years. I met some great friends that I am still in contact with; and of course, it is where I came to love the most beautiful and godly woman in the world: my wife Teresa!

Thank you, Lord, for the chance to remember a great stage of my life, there in Northeastern PA. Many of my experiences there, during those years, are still some of my favorite lifetime memories. And not to mention, my favorite season, anytime, anywhere, is the Fall in Northeastern PA! It is incredible: the looks and the feel. Great job God! May I use the remainder of my life to build into others the way that I was built into during those great years.

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