Saturday, June 5, 2010

Day 42 - next steps with James 2:14-19

Extreme Faith Workout

Next steps are the application steps for the message from last week, based on James 2:14-19.
1. Ask a close friend or family member how merciful they believe you to be.
In talking to people about this, it is interesting to consider their responses. As a pastor, I am thinking about the different things people have said recently about my mercy toward those who are either sinning or just hurting. Those who have felt hurt by me or who feel I have hurt their friends, do not feel I am merciful at all. Those who know me well feel that I have demonstrated mercy quite often. I come away from that question realizing that it must be a continual pursuit for me, to show mercy as I have been shown mercy; but not to base it on other's view of the circumstances. I have to put everything through the grid of Scripture.

2. Consider someone to whom you have not demonstrated mercy.
I have been able to identify someone with whom I have shown mercy before but have not shown mercy to in the recent past. I have my excuses, of course, but there is no good excuse. I confess that before God; and need to be prepared to demonstrate mercy to this person in the future.

3. Do one thing this week for someone else that you would like someone to do for you.
If I am not seeing things clearly and begin to walk down the wrong path, I would like for someone to point that out, gently, and be willing to help me see. I was able to reach out to someone like that this last week. They may not respond, but in mercy, I want to help them do the things that will honor God, even as they go through a very challenging time.

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