Friday, June 18, 2010

Day 53 - more about Abraham

Extreme Faith Workout

Summary of Hebrews 11:8-19:
Examples of faith in Abraham's life, including his leaving to follow God wherever He led, and offering his son Isaac according to God's command. Abraham demonstrated faith by simply trusting in God and doing what he was told to do. Sarah was also used as an example of faith, who believed in God about having a baby even though she was very old. A general group of those who showed faith, not receiving the promise but believing were also used as examples.

Similarities and difference between Hebrews 11:8-29 and James 2:20-26
similarities: Both use Abraham as a main example of faith. Both mention the particular incidence where Abraham is asked by God to offer his son Isaac as a sacrifice, in order to test his faith. Both mention the works of Abraham that go along with the faith.

Differences:The James passage mentions Rahab as well, and Hebrews mentions Sarah and a general group of those who showed faith. Hebrews mentions the Isaac issue, but also adds the demonstration of faith Abraham showed by leaving his homeland and "blindly" following God toward the Promised Land.

What can we learn from this passage as it relates to living out our faith?
It is following God's lead even when we cannot fully see what lies ahead; even though what He calls us to do doesn't make much human sense to us.

What is one thing you can take from this example and specifically apply it to your life?
God has asked me to do something that I don't think I can do; so I will trust Him completely,and follow Him, no matter what.

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