Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Day 50 - Abraham

Extreme Faith Workout

Genesis 22:1-18 - a summary
This is the part of the story of Abraham, where God asks him to take his son, Isaac, and go sacrifice him. This was the promised son that was supposed to be the beginning of a new nation. But, Abraham obeyed and followed through right up until the point he was ready to kill his son and God stopped him. God provided a ram, a substitute and Isaac was spared. But, in that test, Abraham demonstrated his faith, and God blessed him.

Genesis 22:1-18 and James 2:14-26
This is the extended story, in Genesis 22, of the illustration that James gives in James 2:21-23.
It is a living demonstration of what it looks like, as James talks about in chapter 2, to live out your faith. This is not a faith that just talks, but a faith that lives through action, through obedience to God, even when it doesn't make sense, when it is difficult.

What can we learn from Abraham, as it relates to living out our faith?
We learn that it is all about trusting in God. It is not about common sense, necessarily, or what feels right. It is about hearing God's voice and obeying - PERIOD.

What is one thing you can take from this example and specifically apply it to your life?
For me, it is about being the pastor here at Grace. I have been tested severely in recent months. It has been hard to see clearly. It has felt at times, as though I was being sacrificed or the ministry was. But, although I did it imperfectly, I trusted that God knew what He was doing, and I tried to focus on obeying the Bible's principles throughout the ordeal. I find myself getting discouraged and wanting to quit; but Abraham's example is a great encouragement and challenge to me at this time. It is all about obeying and trusting in God. I don't have to worry about what others think. I don't have to worry about whether my "child" (this ministry) is going to continue on as I hoped it would. All I am responsible for, is to hear God's voice and to follow, no matter what - PERIOD. Lord, help me to do that, without reservation.

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