Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Day 38 - love your neighbor as yourself

Extreme Faith Workout

Leviticus 19:18 - This is where it began, with this command of the law to love your neighbor as yourself. In this context, it includes not taking revenge or holding a grudge against others.

Matthew 22:34-39 - In answer to the question: what is the greatest commandment, Jesus included love your neighbor as yourself as the 2nd greatest one, and one of the two that all the law rests on. It always comes back to this, as it relates to our dealings with others.

Galatians 5:13,14 - The whole law is fulfilled in this: love your neighbor as yourself. That is huge. Included in this is not living to serve ourselves, but using our freedom in Christ to serve others.

Romans 13:8-10 - The debt that we owe, the only one we should owe, is to love one another. It further describes loving our neighbor as ourselves as doing no wrong, whatsoever, to our neighbor (those that God brings into our path).

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