Monday, May 31, 2010

Day 37 - James 2:8 and the Good Samaritan

Extreme Faith Workout

In James 2:8, the "royal law" is given: love your neighbor as yourself. This connects to a story Jesus told in Luke 10.

Who was talking to Jesus and what was his question?
A: A lawyer was speaking and asked Jesus how to get eternal life

What would you have expected Jesus to say? What would you have said? What did He say? Why do you think Jesus said what He said?
A: I would have expected Jesus to lead him through a sinner's prayer
I would have shared the "Romans Road" with him and then given him the opportunity to pray to receive Christ as lord and savior.
Jesus asked Him what the law, the Bible, had to say about following God.
I think Jesus went that direction because He was God and He knew exactly what needed to be said to get to the heart of the matter with this person. Also, Jesus said things so that He would be able to share what really needed to be shared at that time for everyone listening (i.e. story of the Good Samaritan)

Summarize the 2 greatest commandments:
A: Love God and love others

Does Jesus agree with him? What does this have to do with the gospel, do you think?
A: Yes, Jesus agrees. It connects with the gospel because only those who were true followers of Jesus were going to have the desire and be able to obey those 2 commands.

What was the lawyer's motive in asking the question: Who is my neighbor?
A: The Bible says he was trying to justify himself, get himself "off the hook".

How does this story relate to what is most important to God?
A: Overlooking cultural boundaries, we show love to God by loving others unconditionally and showing the mercy that God shows us

What do you think Jesus was trying to get across to this lawyer and everyone else listening?
A: This is the mercy that God is offering to you; and if you claim to be my followers, you must do the same; which is not what the religious leaders are doing.

What is the significance of the person who ended up helping was a Samaritan?
A: The Jews and Samaritans hated each other and the audience Jesus was talking to hated the Samaritans. So, to use the Samaritan as the hero went right to their heart attitudes.

How does this story apply to you?
A: I must be ready, sensitive to God's Spirit, to help anyone that God brings into my path that I can help.

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