Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Day 33 - James and Favoritism

Extreme Faith Workout

In reading through the book of James, what are things that relate to the issue of favoritism?
  • 1:2-4 - those who are victims of favoritism can grow spiritually if they endure that trial
  • 1:13-15 - if I show favoritism, there is no person or circumstance to blame. It comes from my selfish desire within
  • 1:26,27 - one way to combat favoritism is to reach out to those in need (i.e. orphans and widows)
  • 2:1-7 - the command is to not show partiality, showing favoritism to people just based on externals. It goes against the character of God and against the people of God.
  • 2:8-13 - We are to love others as ourselves, which means "everyone is our favorite" and there is no partiality shown. If we sin in favoritism, we are guilty of breaking the entire law.
  • 3:1-12 - favoritism is many times demonstrated in the use and power of the tongue
  • 3:13-18 - true wisdom is demonstrated in how gentle we are to everyone, regardless of who they are
  • 4:4 - to show favorites is to become a friend of the world and an enemy of God
  • 4:6,10 - to show favorites is to be filled with pride. We must humble ourselves, treat others fairly, and then be blessed by God
  • 4:11 - if you judge someone for their externals, you will also be judged
  • 5:16 - confess your sins of favoritism

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