Thursday, May 27, 2010

Day 34 - rich in life, rich in God

Extreme Faith Workout

Although God uses the poor to be an example of those who are rich in faith, it is "those who love Him", rich or poor, that have eternal life and the Kingdom of God. God used many who in that day, were considered rich:

John 19:38-40 - Joseph of Arimathea, was a secret disciple of Jesus and was the one who asked for the body of Jesus so he could bury Jesus in his own personal tomb...the tomb from which Jesus rose from the dead!

Acts 8:36-38 -Tabitha (Dorcas) was raised from the dead and brought many to believe in the Lord.

Acts 13:7,12 - Sergius Paulus, a ruler on Cyprus, brought Paul and Barnabus to him, heard the gospel, and then believed

Acts 16:14 - Lydia, seller of purple goods, heard the good news, was baptized and influenced her entire household

Acts 17:1,4 - some of the scholars and "leading" women were converted to Christianity

Acts 18:1-3 - Aquila and Priscilla , tentmakers, worked alongside of Paul for a time.

Acts 18:7 - Titius Justus, living next door to the synagogue, worshipped God and hosted Paul

Acts 18:8 - Crispus, ruler of the synagogue believed the gospel and his entire household was baptized

I Timothy 6:17 - the rich were not condemned, here, but challenged to make sure that they trusted in God, not on their riches

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