Monday, May 3, 2010

Day 13 - Trials and Temptations

James 1:13-18
God is not to blame for my temptations - I am. My flesh desires something and my thinking is deceived; so that I give in to sin, which has dire consequences.

verses 13-18 in the overall context of chapter 1:
In the beginning of chapter 1 is the topic of trials, which Christians go through for their faith.
If we endure those trials, we gain spiritual maturity. In order to endure, we need the wisdom of God to do so.

verses 13-18 bring in the connection between trials and temptation. The words translated such are from the same Greek word group but depending on the context are translated differently. When we go through trials, there are temptations that come. When those temptations come, we cannot blame God because they have nothing to do with Him. He brought the trials to grow us, but we are to blame for turning it into a temptation.

The connection is that these verses show that God is not to blame for our temptation to sin, while we go through God given trials. Everything bad is from our flesh and everything good comes from God.

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