Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Day 15 - 3 thoughts on James

One of the exercises for my spiritual workout today ( was to make a list of what I am thankful for and to pray through that list. Here are my top 10:
  • my godly heritage through my parents example
  • Jesus Christ, who died for my sins
  • Teresa, my wife and best friend
  • My 5 children, all unique, all helping me grow, all awesome
  • a good education
  • a great church family
  • the warmer weather
  • good friends
  • my staff at church
  • the opportunity to fellowship with God each day

This morning, I read through the book of James, again, and here were the 3 key thoughts that came to my mind:

1. Hang in there. Do not give up. Endure through your trials for growth.

2. Treat others as you want to be treated, seeing them as God sees them.

3. You are responsible to do what you know to be right.

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