Thursday, May 6, 2010

Day 16 - MY sin

This is a part of my personal workout in the book of James for today (extreme faith workout -

A paraphrase of James 1:14-16:
This is how temptation works: you have fleshly desires that are enticed by some deception of the world's philosophy. When you give in to you it, you have sinned, and then come the consequences, eventually bringing death. Don't allow yourself to be deceived.

Romans 3:1-18 and accountability for our sin:
Everyone sins...everyone! We do no good, in God's eyes. We have chosen to go out of the way. Our mouths have spoken deceit, our feet have taken us to do wrong. Going our own way, there is only destruction and misery. We are accountable for our sin.

Statement: I will not blame God for putting me in a situation where I feel I have to sin. I will not blame the Devil or even this evil world's system of thinking. I will not blame my wife, my children, my neighbors or my enemies for my sin. All blame, all responsibility for my sin can be found in the mirror: it's me, my flesh, MY sin. May God the Holy Spirit make me sensitive to it, so that when I choose to sin, I will also then choose to be humbly in confession and repentance (I John 1:9).

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