Friday, August 6, 2010

Day 83 - points of the message

Extreme Faith Workout

Reviewing the points of the message, based on James 4:13-17, entitled: The Christian Atheist
What is it? Making plans without God
  • My response: Making plans is great and honors God; but leaving God out of the plans is living life without God, as though we don't believe in Him.

Why is it foolish? Life is short and uncertain

  • My response: It is foolish to live life without God because life is short, and a life lived only for selfish desires is a waste. Life is uncertain, in that we don't know what will happen or how long it will last; so it is a waste to live for temporal, unimportant things. With God, our lives can count for something eternal.

What is the solution? Include God's will in your plans

  • My response: When I make plans, I want to do it with God in mind, that my number one goal is to please Him, with my actions and attitudes. I want the things of my life to be what God has planned, not me trying to make my own things happen

How do I find God's will? Pray; Read and study God's Word, prepared to obey; Get counsel; flip a coin

  • My response: I need to talk to God every day, about the things I am planning for that day, as well as the future. I need to stay in God's Word, and look first to it for the clear answers as to how I should live. I want to keep talking to others, who I respect, about the decisions of my life, asking for their counsel. When there is more than one good option left, I probably won't flip a coin, bu I will just go ahead and make a decision, believing that my sovereign God will direct all things for my spiritual good.

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