Monday, August 23, 2010

Day 97 - James 5:13-18

Extreme Faith Workout

The context of James 5:13-18: It follows 5:7-12, which is about being patient for God to come and make things right. In this passage, whether things are right or not right in our eyes, we are to be praying. In 5:19,20, he closes with helping those who have strayed from the truth to come back to God. This fits the context because the focus turned from our personal struggles to helping others as well as confessing our sins to others.

James 5:13-18 (my paraphrase)
If you are suffering or in trouble, then pray. If you are happy, then pray. If you are weak, physically or spiritually or both, call the pastors and have them encourage you and pray over you in Jesus' name. God will restore the weak and forgive confessed sins. Also, confess your sins to one another, pray for each other, so that you can be spiritually healed. If you are right with God, your prayers can accomplish much. Elijah was weak like us - he prayed for the rain to stop and it did...for 3.5 years! Then, he prayed again, and the rain came and so did the harvest.

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