Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Day 92 - patience

Extreme Faith Workout

James 5:7-12 - Be patient, as suffering followers of Christ, for Jesus to come and make things right
Romans 12:19,20 - Don't get revenge - that's God's job. Be patient for Him to act.
James 1:19 - Listen carefully to the Word of God, before you say anything or act
II Peter 3:9-12 - God is patient, waiting for some to get saved; so wait patiently for Him to come

Why would 5:1-6 lead t an exhortation to be patient?
Because the non-believing rich were persecuting believers; and it would be tempting to be impatient, to retaliate or just give up under the pressure.

What are some of the circumstances that tempt you to lose patience?
People who keep talking, don't stay on point, and don't give me a chance to respond. People who are sinning, and yet unchallenged in it.

In what sense has the Lord's coming been "near" for the past two thousand years?
He could have come at any moment and he still could come at any moment.

Why shouldn't we lose patience with the Lord after almost two thousand years?
Because He is in control, knows what He is doing, has a different perspective than us; and is waiting for others to get saved

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