Thursday, August 12, 2010

Day 88 - Jesus' stories and James 5:1-6

Extreme Faith Workout

James 5:1-6 is about the non-believing rich and that their judgment by God is soon coming.

Luke 12:13-34 - Jesus told a story, warning his listeners about all kinds of greed. His story was about a rich man, who became so rich, he decided to retire and just enjoy all of his riches for himself. God called him a fool and took his life that very night, leaving his riches to others. Jesus then taught his followers that they didn't need to worry about their necessities of life, because God would provide them; and instead of trying to build a kingdom for themselves, they should be working and using their resources to build the kingdom of God.

Luke 16:19-31 - Jesus told a story about a rich man who had a beggar come and eat the crumbs off his table. Both the rich and the beggar (Lazarus) died. The rich man was in torment in hell because he was a non-believer and he was allowed to see the beggar up in paradise. He asked for some relief but there was none; and Abraham explained that he was the one in comfort on earth, mistreating the poor; and now he was the one who would suffer.

These stories by Jesus go along with the condemnation of the unbelieving rich of James 5:1-6; and they are reminders to us of what attitude we ought to have toward money, toward God, and toward others. Using our resources, whatever they may be, for eternal purposes, is how we can glorify Him and live opposite of the non-believing rich who do not follow Christ.

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