Friday, August 20, 2010

Day 95 - closing questions about James 5:7-12

Extreme Faith Workout

What do and don't we know about the time of Christ's return?
We know it will catch people off guard. We know it could happen at any moment. We know there will be judgment once He comes back. What we don't know is when it will happen or exactly what it will be like.

Why does grumbling at others lead to judgment?
Because we are taking God's place when we set ourselves in a place to grumble and complain about who others are or what God is doing in their lives; or how He is using them in ours.

What is encouraging to you about Job's story?
That God was completely in control, even when Job's whole world fell apart

What is one truth from James 5:7-12 that you need to apply to your life? How are you going to go about doing that?
For me, the key thing is that when I suffer at the hands of others, I must immediately go to God with it, place it in His hands, and completely trust Him.

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